
Scenario 1: Speed Ball

Difficulty: Medium

Ronan is competing with his friends to see who can throw a ball the fastest, but he isn’t as sporty as his friends. Use whatever tools at your disposal to design something that will help Ronan propel a ball as fast as possible. *this can be done with with a virtual prototype or with robotics!

Scenario 2: Speed Robotics

Difficulty: Medium

It is the year 2077 and we’ve encountered a problem: robots are too slow! Create or design your own robot that can perform a certain task, such as moving around or building structures, as fast as possible.

Scenario 3: Speed Gaming

Difficulty: Easy

Hana thinks the world is moving too slow. She can’t find a game fast enough. Create a game for Hana that relies on reaction speed and rapid decision making, so Hana finally has a game made just for her. *use Python, Scratch, or anything else you prefer!

Scenario 4: Exam STRESS

Difficulty: Hard

Daniel is about to miss his IGCSE Math exam in 10 minutes because he was busy playing osu. Design or create a transport method for him to get to school so he can take the exam on time!

Scenario 5: Cyberpunk Device

Difficulty: Easy/Medium

Mila thinks that our modern world is too boring. She’s more into... cyberpunk. Design and prototype a device that could exist in a cyberpunk world, such as a wearable tech gadget, which could help her with efficiency in her daily life.

Scenario 6: Inclusive Racing

Difficulty: Medium

Eddie loves racing on his go-kart. However, he broke both of his arms in an accident, so he is unable to race on his favourite kart for 6 months! Devise a way for Eddie to enjoy his racing experience without the need to use his arms.

Scenario 7: Open Scenario

Difficulty: N/A

Come up with your own scenario! It must be related to the theme of Need for Speed. If you have an idea, check with the Tech Ambassadors to get it approved before you start.